The Suzukis - Tour
Featured Tours

The Suzukis – Tour

Saturday, 16 July 2011 – Roadhouse, Manchester
Thursday, 21 July 2011 – Rhythm Factory, London

The Storms of rock and roll, this is what The Suzukis is all about. The band members are creating the outrageous performances and writing lyrics about the life in today’s society. The front man was born to play music, and expressing himself in a way that creeps out the audience that is seemed to have already seen everything.

The Suzukis can be compared to the Suzuki motorbikes that are graceful, high-tech skilled, as well as, have elements of explicit raw power. Their music is full of angst and anger that is blowing away the crowds. It has been awhile since the bands were raising the excitement of rock and roll, and the Suzukis with their power might be just the band to do so.
‘their “primal aggression” and “visceral power”, and claims that the Suzukis are returning to rock's source to invoke the invigorating energy of the Stooges, Sex Pistols, Nirvana and all those other bands whose purpose it was to get rock back on track’ – The Guardian

The band is releasing their debut album on the 11th of July, 2011.

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